Archived posts, April 2010
Whenever you use :hover, also use :focus
Neglecting to style :focus when you style the :hover pseudo-class can lead to minor inconvenience at best and complete inaccessibility at worst for non-mouse users.
Using the lang attribute makes a difference
Specifying the natural language of complete and partial HTML documents really does make a difference to users of screen readers that support language switching.
HTML5 input types
HTML5 adds many new types of useful form controls. Some browsers support some of them already.
Web Inspector adds Timeline and Audits panels
Improved inspection of CSS, HTML, and DOM, following redirects in the Resources panel, and getting tips for improving performance in the Timeline and Audits panels are some new features.
Built-in or bolt-on accessibility in HTML5? How about a bit of both?
Having built-in semantics and accessibility in HTML5 is great, but I think we also need specifications like WAI-ARIA that let us add accessibility to less than ideal markup.
Why iPhones, iPods and iPads are Flash-free
Steve Jobs explains why Apple does not allow Flash on iPhones, iPods and iPads. One reason is that Flash is proprietary and HTML, CSS and JavaScript are not.
- Previous month: March 2010
- Next month: May 2010