Quick Tips for web developers and web designers
I spend a fair amount of time doing quality assurance of websites. This includes reviewing code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), reporting accessibility and usability issues, giving tips and advice, and so on.
In these reviews there are some things that keep coming up. A lot of them are pretty simple and basic things if you ask me. However, there are many people who make the same mistakes, so maybe those things aren’t that simple after all. Or maybe the problem is that they aren’t widely known.
In the hope that it will help some people out I am going to start a new category of posts here called “Quick Tips”. Each Quick Tip will focus on one of the issues that I come across while doing QA work, and will probably be anything from a sentence to a few paragraphs in length.
This is not meant to ridicule the mistakes or the people who make them. My sincere intention is to help people avoid making these mistakes in the first place by attempting to spread the knowledge.
View the Quick Tips category archive for a full list of tips.
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